
June 5, 2017

Extension work of Sendai Low Temperature Distribution Center

Our company has expanded Sendai Low Temperature Distribution Center and made its ground-breaking ceremony on June 2.
In March 2016, this center completed a total floor area of 8,972 ㎡ and started operation, but it became
smaller and we will increase about 2,000 m² in order to respond to customers’ further requests. Completion of the construction is scheduled for December 2017, and the existing operation will continue without trouble even during the construction period.

We regard expanding the low temperature distribution service in the Tohoku area as one of the important strategies of the logistics business. In addition to strengthening capacity of Sendai low temperature distribution center in the four temperature zone, we will continue to develop cold chain transportation and distribution network in the future.

For inquiries, please contact to the following.

Contact info

■ Sendai Sales Office Mr. Tadanori Abe TEL:+81-22-706-4000
■ Corporate Planning Division Ms. Yoshiko Yamane TEL:+81-87-826-8231


 Extension work of Sendai Low Temperature Distribution Center